Is Drake Software Compatible With Mac

Bill I've also run into a very similar problem, I own many Macs but I've had a PC for Tax Stuff. My PC broke and I refused to buy another one so I began to search for an alternative. Window's Emulators have given me so much trouble with my Tax Software.

Drake has tested Windows 10 against the basic functions of earlier software with the following results: Drake12 to Drake14 - These Drake products are compatible with the following limitations: Some printers may require new drivers from the printer manufacturer. Some screens and views in Drake show minor differences when displayed in Windows 10. Jul 02, 2020  Always backup a Mac before running beta software you if go that route. Of course you may also be curious about the other new operating systems coming and what they will support and run on, so check out a list of iOS 14 compatible iPhone models and iPadOS 14 compatible iPads too.

However, I've since found out that Intuit has a cloud based tax solution that works with a MAC because it's all done online. Which means you'll need a reliable internet connection whenever you want to prepare a client's return.

Is Drake Software Compatible With Mac

It's suppose to support all of the major returns (1040, 1041, 1065, 1120, 1120S and 990)

Is drake software compatible with mac os

I've yet to use this solution, but it's the best thing that I've been able to find so far. This is what I'll be using this upcoming Tax Season.

So I figured that it would be worth mentioning. Good Luck!

Does Drake Software Work On Mac

Is Drake Software Compatible With Macbook Pro

Dec 4, 2013 9:19 AM